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What is an art block?
It happens to traditional and digital artists alike! Starting with the basics, an art block (also known as a creative block) is a period of time when an artist cannot access their creativity and/or they cannot bring themselves to create a new piece of work. They feel like they have run out of things to draw.What causes a creative block for an artist?
While this condition is mainly associated with anxiety and a lack of motivation, many other causes give rise to a creative block for an artist. Art blocks are pretty frustrating as it is, but for professional artists, they can be quite troublesome and bring their creative process to a halt.Is it normal for artists to experience art block?
It’s perfectly normal for artists to experience art block. So when it happens to you, be patient with yourself. Practice some of the strategies you’ve learned today, and I’m sure you’ll be able to get out of your creative rut in no time. You can do it! I believe in you! Have you ever struggled with art block? How did you manage to overcome it?Can art block be cured?
There are tons of different strategies to help you overcome art block. Now that you have good understanding of 15 ways you can cure art block, it’s time to practice these healthy art habits. It’s perfectly normal for artists to experience art block. So when it happens to you, be patient with yourself.